Multiply marketing growth,
with AI coworkers.

AI coworkers complete marketing tasks on autopilot, with expert-level results. Get more done everyday, effortlessly. Welcome to the era of smooth growth.

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Busy? No budget to reach your marketing goals? No worries.

AI plans, executes and analyzes marketing campaigns in minutes, not weeks.

Get your time back.
Work smarter...

Meet AI

What could you accomplish if you
had a whole extra team working for you?
CrewAI lets you generate AI coworkers.
They strategize, plan, create, collaborate and get it done.

Meet AI coworkers

Step 1

Give AI coworkers any marketing goal.

AI coworkers are trained on 500+ tasks. They also remember your brand, audience and knowledge. No prompt engineering, no BS: just hand them a project and watch as they 'magically' create documents & interact with your tools.

Step 2

They deliver expert work ... on autopilot.

AI coworkers think, plan, act, create and deliver by themselves! That weekly newsletter? These backlinks you have no time to build? These social posts you'll have to research for hours? All done in seconds. No worries, key decisions require your approval.

Step 3

Collaborate, share, and automate your existing tools.

Coworkers fit into your existing work environment. Update colleagues on Slack, create email automations, send docs to your Notion, or update your CRM data... automatically.

Create a Crew Assistant

Yep. You can now create your own AI assistant in just a few seconds.

Give it a mission (and a catchy name!)

"Develop my SEO content to increase sales of our tshirts" or "Update our social meda strategy based on the metrics from last month".
There are no limits to what your crew can do.

Your own AI Crew works for you, on autopilot.

Don't worry, it will still ask you for permissions and decisions. It will also report back to you on its progress.

Review its human-grade work. (PS: sleep sound, it's not replacing you)

We know, we know. "Is this thing replacing me?".
Your crew delivers human-quality work and takes a load off your plate. But ultimately, it still needs you to guide it and make the most important decision. Your AI Crew will give you super powers, but it's not replacing actual human marketers. The kind with a soul, and a slack channel full of tasteful memes

Time to try it!

Try for Free >
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Whatever the task. Give it to your Crew

If you can think of it, this AI can do it.
Here are just some examples:

"Analyze my analytics and build a better-converting landing page"

"Rank on Google for all keywords related to 'dog food'"

"Reach out to the right blogs to promote us"

"Handle my newsletter for the next week"

Coworkers use your voice & knowledge
For on-brand content at scale.

Simply share your style guide, product catalogs, and brand info. Crew coworkers will always create on-brand content using your unique voice. That's not all! AI Coworkers are trained to align with your marketing strategy & KPI goals.

Provide us with your products information and brand guidelines, our CrewAI Assistants will create tailored content that reflects your brand's unique voice. Plus, they will adhere to your company's strategic roadmap & goals.

Shoot your style guide, product catalogs, and brand info to our Crew assistants. They'll write killer content that uses your unique voice. And don't worry - they'll keep in mind your marketing strategy and the KPI goals your boss keeps asking about.

Harness the power of your brand with CrewAI. Pass your style guide, product catalogs, and brand info to Assistants who will champion your unique voice. They keep their eyes locked on your company's vision and objectives. Time to reach these KPIs.

Your brand unique voice + CrewAI assistant = Epic stuff! ✨ Throw Assistants your style guide and product catalogs, they'll turn it into on-brand, goal-crushing content. Oh, and aligned with your goals. Now get back to sending memes on Slack.

Join 500+ marketers. Limited free offer!

Join the waitlist today, and get access for FREEE!

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What our alpha testers thought of CrewAI:

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John Smith

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John Smith

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John Smith

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What people say

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Nicholas Cage

CEO Webflow
Fusce quis sapien tristique mauris tempor tristique. Donec efficitur gravida nibh, ac aliquet diam volutpat non.
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Nicholas Cage
CEO Webflow
Mauris nulla ex, rutrum vitae faucibus cursus, bibendum nec arcu.
Client Image
Nicholas Cage
CEO Webflow
Curabitur gravida placerat purus nec bibendum. Proin porttitor varius risus blandit dictum. Vestibulum at erat ut velit egestas venenatis sit amet nec metus.
Client Image
Nicholas Cage
CEO Webflow
Morbi at metus accumsan, posuere mi quis, tempus tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Client Image
Nicholas Cage
CEO Webflow
Curabitur gravida placerat purus nec bibendum. Proin porttitor varius risus blandit dictum. Vestibulum at erat ut velit egestas venenatis sit amet nec metus.
Integer fringilla erat vel sem luctus posuere.
Client Image
Nicholas Cage
CEO Webflow
Donec efficitur gravida nibh, ac aliquet diam volutpat non.
Client Image
Nicholas Cage
CEO Webflow
Mauris nulla ex, rutrum vitae faucibus cursus, bibendum nec arcu.

Client Image
Nicholas Cage
CEO Webflow
Curabitur gravida placerat purus nec bibendum. Proin porttitor varius risus blandit dictum. Vestibulum at erat ut velit egestas venenatis sit amet nec metus.
Client Image
Nicholas Cage
CEO Webflow
Fusce quis sapien tristique mauris tempor tristique. Donec efficitur gravida nibh, ac aliquet diam volutpat non.
AI coworker
MemberStack works with your existing websites
Keep your favorite design tools, and exceed the expectations of your clients and customers.
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